Tsawwassen BC, the first on my list because this is where I took some of my first proper photos, on my first proper camera, the Nikon D3400. Tsawwassen is a very interesting location Due to the mix of bluffs, sand beaches, rock beaches, and the nearly below sea level groves and flats. It's by no means a very large, or popular destination, being about 30 Km south of Vancouver, Right on the border of Point Roberts. All told, T-Town is very diverse and an interesting place to take photos, and I enjoyed my time shooting there.
This is also the only page that I've decided to build backwards, with my newest work at the bottom of the page.

The first photo that I took with my D3400. Manual focus, 1:30 exposure time at iso 100 f/3.5, and no tripod. I rested the camera on a rock or log at the top of the dyke

A first attempt at star trails, I missed Polaris, and simply left the shutter open for 5 mins

My first New car, and the car I still drive. A VW Jetta 1.4 TSI, not overly exciting on the outside, but plenty of fun to drive, with enough power to spin the (front) tires if you know what you're doing. This car has faithfully taken me all over the place, from Sydney NS, to Squamish BC, she's been all over the country, and she's got many millions of kilometres left to explore. I can't wait for my next adventure with this machine, and I don't know where it'll be, but I'm sure it'll be a blast.
Boundary Bay Airshow 2019. While technically not Tsawwassen, its gosh darned close enough, I haven't been able to go to this event for a few years because of prior commitments, but the airshow has aged like fine wine over the years, and has improved greatly since I was here last. with tons of people milling about enjoying aviation, but not so many that it becomes uncomfortable or hard to capture anything. The delta city council has done a fantastic job, and I hope it keeps improving every year.

In early spring it was discovered that a family of great horned owls had moved in to the local dog park, this is a picture of one of the adults keeping watch outside the nest.

Sunrise over mud bay. I like to think my work has come a long way, and I hope to soon upgrade my equipment to reflect that change

The coast looking west past the terminal and dockyard

This juvenile goshawk has decided to take up residence in my back yard